Frequently Asked Questions
Pickup & Delivery
Is there a minimum order?
There is a $45 minimum for residential pickup and delivery service. For commercial customers the minimum is $35.
Is there a charge for pickup and delivery?
There is a $2.50 delivery charge for each residential order.
What days do you pickup and deliver?
We offer pickup and delivery services Monday thru Friday from 08:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for both residential and commercial customers.
What if I can't be home?
Just let us know where you will leave the clothes. The porch, the backyard, in the garage, behind the gate, or with the apartment manager are common choices.
What is the turnaround time?
Our standard turnaround time is 48 business hours, but we offer next day service for $3.29/lb. We are not open on the weekends.